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Andy Holve

Founder, TLC Auto Care

Andy began in the automotive business by going to work with his dad, Herb, at his service station at the age of 13 (1966).

Slowly he learned about cars and the repair business. What he learned most from his dad was taking care of people, not just cars.

Although he left the automotive business twice to go to school (1976 and 1987) and pursue other disciplines, he always ended up coming back to work for his dad.

Finally, when working for his dad at Totem Lake Chevron, they opened TLC Automotive together in 1993. Andy has since bought out his dad, working with customers in the front office with his wife Julie, while their son Jon leads the shop working on the cars.

Andy brings over 40 years of experience in the automotive repair industry to TLC Auto Care.

In fact TLC's history providing auto repair services to Kirkland, WA begins in 1950.

TLC Auto Care is a second generation business, but the real story begins back in 1950.

It was a difficult, post-WWII economy, and dad stood in line with 150 others applying for 4 positions with a Standard Oil of California service station (now Chevron). If he got a job, then he and mom could get married. As it turned out, he got the job, and right away they ran off and got married.

However, getting the job was only half of the task, keeping the job was the other half. Dad learned quickly about hard work (he already knew this from working in the family farming business since 12), honesty and customer service. What he learned served him well through the years.

After a year and a half of working for Standard Oil, he decided to launch out on his own and opened his own service station. As the years went by, he continued to move up, getting larger service stations. His last service station was Totem Lake Chevron, which he opened in 1973.

As his sons came of age (usually around 12), he took them to work with him to learn the family business, as well as the value of hard work and the importance of customer service.

TLC Auto Care is now a second generation business, which dad passed down to me, his son Andy. Together with my wife Julie, we continue the family tradition of hard work and customer service. Also continuing the family legacy is our son Jon, who is our lead tech. Perhaps some day TLC Auto Care will be a third generation auto repair shop, as the legacy continues.

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